Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Fog

The thick icy fog encloses the small town, getting nearer every minute. It soon wraps around the lighthouse, dimming the light that reflects on the water until it is no longer glowing at all. It winds around street corners, creeping up the pavement. The fog starts to rise, seeping into cracks and crevices in the near by homes. Its like a ghost town now, everything is abandoned, showing people left in a hurry. At a near by petrol station the liquid oozes out from an discarded pump and turns to ice from the bitter cold of the fog. An unlucky citizen stumbles out of his hiding place as he watches his daughter evaporate into the thick smog-like substance in front of him. The fog steals him too, snatching him away from the real world, choking him violently with the toxic fumes enclosing the town. They had been warned, no one had listened, a window shattered on the next block as the man let out his final piercing scream. The message left reads "All Must Die." And that they did.

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