Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Fog

The thick icy fog encloses the small town, getting nearer every minute. It soon wraps around the lighthouse, dimming the light that reflects on the water until it is no longer glowing at all. It winds around street corners, creeping up the pavement. The fog starts to rise, seeping into cracks and crevices in the near by homes. Its like a ghost town now, everything is abandoned, showing people left in a hurry. At a near by petrol station the liquid oozes out from an discarded pump and turns to ice from the bitter cold of the fog. An unlucky citizen stumbles out of his hiding place as he watches his daughter evaporate into the thick smog-like substance in front of him. The fog steals him too, snatching him away from the real world, choking him violently with the toxic fumes enclosing the town. They had been warned, no one had listened, a window shattered on the next block as the man let out his final piercing scream. The message left reads "All Must Die." And that they did.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Don't Do it!

Louis approaches the priest, a panicked look on his face. The priest steps backwards, closer to the railing and Louis lunges forwards to try stop him. "NO!" Louis protests. The priest steps back further and shoves Louis away but he slips and grabs Louis as he begins to tumble into the blackness of the altar below. They both land with a loud 'CRASH' onto the altar table and it collapses below them, they both shout in pain, desperately trying to move. The camera moves downwards from facing the crucifix to show them lifeless below on the table.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Scene-by-Scene Planning

Scene 1

Introduce Nathalie, multiple shots of her doing pranks- starting to get bored as it is mediocre stuff.

Scene 2

Nathalie is lying in bed, thinks of an idea to scare people and cries out “Ghost” to see the reaction it gives

-Multiple shots flicking between everyone freaking out and Nathalie calm and quietly laughing in bed

Scene 3

-Group of boarders gathered in a circle, gossiping about the ghost and Nathalie walks in laughing, everyone looks at her (zoomed in shot of her face) and questions why she isn’t fazed by it all, she just laughs and they realize it was her. 

-She sits down and everyone else gets up and slams their door shut, angry at her.

Scene 4

-Nathalie can’t sleep so she is awake working on a late assignment when she looks at the clock she decides its time to scare everyone again as she is bored.

-Nathalie yells out ghost again, making creepy sound effects

-Multiple shots flicking between everyone freaking out and Nathalie calm, sat at her desk, flicking through emails,

-Everyone shouts angrily at Nathalie and goes back to bed, shot zooms in over her shoulder to the laptop screen and focuses on a new email arriving in her inbox, Nathalie opens it, reads chain mail. “ Dirty liars always get caught, if you don’t send this on you might just be blamed. Jane Table didn’t do this in 1990 and they found her dead on the floor in the morning. Forward this to 25 people in the next 5 minutes or you might just get caught out lying like Jane Table.”

-Camera turns to face her as she laughs at the email, mocking it, the camera then focuses in on her pressing delete and shutting the laptop.

Scene 5

-Everyone refuses to acknowledge to her all day, she realizes how annoying it must be and decides she must stop being immature and make amends with everyone she has annoyed.

-Nathalie wakes up suddenly in the middle of the night and has to go to the bathroom. Camera follows her as she creeps down the stairs (lights flickering)
-She is scared as she approaches the dark room, the lights don’t turn on so she washes her hands in the darkness when she shivers suddenly at the feeling of cold breath on her shoulder (mirror fogs up slightly) Nathalie dismisses this and hurries down the corridor when she hears a voice screaming “RUN! NATHALIE! RUN!”

-She reaches the stairs and camera zooms in on her feet as she steps down the first step when a hand reaches and pulls her down violently. Nathalie yells out for help “GHOST! SOMEBODY HELP! IT’S ATTACKING ME”

-Everyone shouts different things like “No Nathalie. Stop Lying. Trying to sleep here, we’ve got rowing in the morning.”

-Nathalie frantically grabs at the stairs but is pulled roughly into a dark room and the door slams shut while a young child sings  “Naughty, naughty Nat, I told you not to do that. I have been spying and you have been lying. You should’ve stayed in bed because now you’re as good as dead.” A table throws its self in front of the door and everything goes silent and still.

Scene 6

-Fades to black and text comes up saying “Nathalie was never seen again. The moral of the story is never cry wolf or in Nathalie’s case Ghost.